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Become a full-time German Customer Success Manager in Alkmaar now

Do you enjoy taking care of the relationship with customers? Then become a German full-time Customer Success Manager in Alkmaar now.

40 uur per week
Tussen €2.500 en €3.000 Per maand

Was du machen wirst:

The company you will be working for is a leading global provider of air filtration solutions. With a strong focus on innovation and quality, it develops customized filter products to improve air quality and protect the environment. With many years of experience and technical know-how, it offers efficient solutions for customers all over the world.

In your position as a German full-time Customer Success Manager in Alkmaar, you will be responsible for answering customer inquiries regarding the products. In doing so, it is important to pay close attention to their expectations and the given circumstances. This enables you to advise the customer on the products that are right for them so that they get the best possible benefit. You excel at actively responding to inquiries and finding the right solutions. 

Equally important in your role as a full-time German Customer Success Manager in Alkmaar is to maintain the relationship with existing customers and answer any questions they may have regarding the delivery of the products and keep the customer informed. After they have received their product, you will also check back on their satisfaction with it and advise them on any extensions.


Was wir bieten:

  • a full-time position as a German Customer Success Manager in Alkmaar
  • working in an international operating company
  • growth opportunities within the company
  • a dynamic and supporting Team

Was wir erwarten:

  • Mindestbildungsabschluss mbo level 4
  • experience in customer success management
  • fluent in German and English


Der Job passt perfekt zu dir? Dann bewirb dich jetzt und wir werden dich so schnell wie möglich kontaktieren.

Extra Informationen

MBO, HBO, Universiteit
Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
Fulltime (startersfunctie), Fulltime (ervaren), Tijdelijke fulltime baan
Tussen €2.500 en €3.000 Per maand
Verantwortlich für
Managing the relationship with the customers
Veröffentlicht am

Alkmaar | Callcenter vacatures | Consultant vacatures | Klantenservice medewerker vacatures | Vacatures helpdesk medewerker | Consultant vacatures | Fulltime (startersfunctie) | Fulltime (ervaren) | Tijdelijke fulltime baan | MBO | HBO | Universiteit

Bewirb dich direkt
Davide Distefano


Davide Distefano, bereikbaar op tel. 0651368717

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